3 mar. 2010

Highest Launch of a Jewelry Collection – H’Art Design Ltd. sets world record

HIMBAV, Brasov, Romania – The extravagant designer Adrian Ionel Haiduc, owner of the H’Art Design Ltd. jewerly company, launched his collection “Man’s on Air” with the participation of 11 parachutists who launched from a plane wearing his creations – setting the world record for the Highest Launch of a Jewelry Collection.

“I was very nervous, especially when I saw the weather conditions were not very good. I am happy I am the first designer who performed such a presentation”, Adrian Haiduc said. “For the creation of these necklaces I used pearls, agates, nacre, black or red coral.”

The launch of the collection “Man’s on Air” was performed from a plane from which 11 parachutists jumped simultaneously.

The jewelry were “launched” by eight parachutism instructors and two components of the National team: Buzan Adrian, Popescu Cristinel, Nicolau Alexandru, Pena Marian, Pena Virgiliu, Nicolau Ramiro, Sacara Ion, Balascau Catalin, Fratica Tiberiu, Duta Marius and Popa Steliana.

The sportsmens jumped from an AN 2 plane wearing the necklaces created by the extravagant designed Adrian Haiduc. The jewelry are part of the collection “Man’s On Air”.

Adrian Haiduc imposed on the market as the first designer of jewelry for pets in Romania.

The designer told us that in his field of activity the financial crises is not felt at all, 80% of his last jewelry being sold.
Photo: 'Model' Steliana Popa and jewelry designer Adrian Haiduc-right (enlarge photo)

This record was performed with the support of Mrs. Dorina Matasaru, representative of Angel's Pearl, Mr. Rotaru George – manager of Romanian Aeroclub, Mr. Cojocaru Stelian – commander of Aeroclub Ghimbav Brasov, Mr. Buzan Adrian and Mr. Rites Ionut, representatives of Phoenix-Club ’89 Association.

The world record was sponsored by H’Art Design Ltd and Angel's Pearl .

sursa: worldrecordsacademy.org

Foto: Robert Dohar

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